Oleksandr Shchyrov

Senior Android Developer

Senior Roku Developer

Vinnytsia, Ukraine



Work experience:


Feb 2024 - Dec 2024, Spilna Sprava

Position: Android Tech Lead

Customer: spnzh

About project: spnzh project was aimed on people communication and traveling. People who traveling around the world can communicate: ask questions help each other, share knowledge and create events. The main screen has map with ability to create “posts” with photo, video and text of the place. Also scheduled events and asking questions.

Team: Developers: Android: 3, iOS: 2, QA Team: 2, PM: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger 2, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose, View, Glide, MapBox, Deeplinks, WebSocket, Google and Facebook Sign In, Firebase analytics.

Sep 2021 - Aug 2023, Spilna Sprava

Position: Senior Android Developer

Customer: spnzh

About project: spnzh project was aimed on people communication and traveling. People who traveling around the world can communicate: ask questions help each other, share knowledge and create events. The main screen has map with ability to create “posts” with photo, video and text of the place. Also scheduled events and asking questions.

Team: Developers: Android: 3, iOS: 3, QA Team: 3, PM: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger 2, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose, View, Glide, MapBox, Deeplinks, WebSocket, Google and Facebook Sign In.

Sep 2018 - May 2020, Spilna Sprava

Position: Android Developer

Customer: iTourist

About project: iTourist project was aimed on Eurovision in Israel. People who arrived to Israel had to receive SIM-cards in plane and download the app. Application used for calling doctor if person feel sick. Also users can book the doctor appointments. This application also provides information about currency exchange, weather condition changes.

Team: Developers: Android: 3, iOS: 3, QA Team: 4, PM: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: Kotlin, MVP with Interactor, Retrofit, rxJava & rxAndroid, VoIP Telephony, Google and Facebook Sign In, Services, Broadcast receivers, AlarmManager.

Sep 2017 - Jul 2018, Spilna Sprava

Position: Android Developer

Customer: HALAP

About project: The HALAP project is an online store app. It has shops that provided goods to users at discounted prices. The main purpose on the project is mobile app with coupons to discount in many popular stores (businesses). 

Team: Developers: Android: 3, iOS: 4, QA Team: 3, PM: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: Java, MVP, Andoid Networking, Location services, Custom views.


Apr 2023 - Mar 2024, Intive

Position: Senior Roku Developer

Customer: MAX (WBD)

About project: MAX project aimed on providing media content. User enabled to watch different shows, movies and series. Application provides a lot of content in any category.

Team: Developers: BE: 1, FE (Roku): 5, QA Team: 2, PM: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: BrightScript with SceneGraph, Google Analytics Library, RED.

Dec 2022 - Mar 2023, Intive

Position: Senior Roku Developer

Customer: TWG

About project: TWG project is weather project that allows you to see the weather forecast and other news regarding weather conditions. 

Team: Developers: BE: 2, FE (Roku): 4, QA Team: 2, PM: 2

Tasks performed:

Stack: BrightScript with SceneGraph.

Feb 2022 - Nov 2022, EPAM Systems

Position: Technical Lead, Senior Roku Developer

Customer: Deltatre Software & Hi-Tech (BRTBX)

About project: Deltatre project has contracts with a lot of popular logo and provides them fast ready Roku application by pre-created core of app. End-project was aimed on providing media content. User enabled to watch favorite movies and shows with ability to save to "Watch later" list, Continue Watching, etc.

Team: Developers: BE: 2, FE (Roku): 5, QA Team: 3, PM: 2

Tasks performed:

Stack: BrightScript with SceneGraph, Google Analytics, Think Analytics, BitMovin Player Library, RED, Log.go.

Nov 2019 - Jul 2021, EPAM Systems

Position: Roku Developer

Customer: Massive Software & Hi-Tech (WWE)

About project: Massive(Deltatre) project has contracts with a lot of popular logo and provides them fast ready Roku application by pre-created core of app. End-project was aimed on providing media content. User enabled to watch wrestling sport shows. Application provides a lot of content in any category.

Team: Developers: Roku: 4, QA Team: 2, PM/BA: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: BrightScript with SceneGraph, Adobe Pass, Omniture, comScore, Log.go, HLS, DRM, Analytics, Unit tests for BRS and SceneGraph.

Jun 2019 - Nov 2019, EPAM Systems

Position: Roku Developer

Customer: DSNY Roku

About project: DSNY ABC Project provides media content. Users are abled to watch films, cartoons and series.

Team: Developers: Roku: 4, QA Team: 2, PM/BA: 1

Tasks performed:

Stack: BrightScript with SceneGraph, Logs.go, Unit tests for BRS.


Vinnytsia National Technical Univesity

PhD Degree - Mar 2022 - Jan 2026 (Planned)

Vinnytsia National Technical Univesity

Master's Degree - Sep 2020 - Dec 2021

Vinnytsia National Technical Univesity

Bachelor's Degree - Sep 2016 - Jun 2020